Wednesday 1 January 2014

The Natural Weight Loss Solution

It’s a common story for most of us: You eat right, exercise, but still can’t seem to lose those extra pounds. Is it genetics, age, or just something unknown that’s keeping you looking and feeling heavy?
The surprising truth is that it may be your digestive system.
Many physicians and nutritional experts are pointing to an under-active digestive system as the real culprit behind all kinds of stomach issues. To put it simply, if your gut isn’t doing its job, your stomach can become a breeding ground for nasty bacteria—bacteria that cause painful stomach aches, embarrassing gas, and uncomfortable bloating.
So that expanding waistline you’ve been unsuccessfully fighting, might actually be your body’s reaction to food build up.
And the surprising solution? Specialized probiotics.
For years, health experts have discussed how the healthy bacteria in probiotics can help with digestion, but a new study published in the British Journal of Nutrition links probiotics to fat loss as well. After 12 weeks, people consuming specific probiotic formulas dropped roughly 8 to 9 percent of their visceral fat—a particularly unhealthy type that builds up around your heart and organs — and 1 to 3 percent of their belly fat.
People often think of yogurt when discussing foods containing healthy probiotics, but most brands have tons of calories, carbs and sugars. Look for products that contain Lactospore and green tea extracts.

LactoSpore has been shown to promote healthy digestion, help relieve gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea, and even promote clearer skin by helping to balance the body’s pH.
Green tea leaf extract contains compounds that help increase thermogenesis and fat oxidation to help burn calories, and caffeine for both improved workouts and appetite supression. There are also healthy fruit extracts that work as prebiotics, providing nourishment for the probiotics that are produced by LactoSpore.
So consult you doctor today and make a resolution to loose the extra pounds!

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